What is Divorce Mediation?
Divorce Mediation is a non-adversarial process where clients make their own decisions based on the information and facilitation provided by a neutral mediator. The mediator’s job is to help people reach fair agreements, and draft a legal agreement that can be filed with the Court.
Advantages to Divorce Mediation:
You make your own decisions, figuring out what will work best for your family, rather than being subjected to a “one-size-fits-all” approach
Keeps costs down; not paying two attorneys to negotiate, or paying for litigation of issues
Less costly emotionally
Improves communication and collaboration between parents, and better adjustment and outcomes for the children
What happens in Divorce Mediation?
After speaking with both parties briefly, we’ll have our first meeting, where we will discuss any questions or concerns you have about the mediation process, and together make a roadmap for your individual process. That will include timing and frequency of meetings, division of tasks and costs, information needed to make decisions (including required financial disclosure), a plan for which topics should be discussed first, identification of anticipated challenges, and more.
I meet with clients in 2-hour sessions at my office in Belmont, MA, right in the heart of Belmont Center.
How long will (Divorce) Mediation take and how much will it cost?
How long and expensive Divorce mediation will be depends on two things: The number and complexity of issues you bring in to be mediated, and how quickly and easily you can reach agreements. Both things vary from case to case and even topic to topic, and I am happy to discuss what factors I’ve seen affect an estimate.
“Kate made a horrible situation bearable, by guiding us through all the (divorce) decisions we had to make with compassion and directness. She kept our focus on what is best for our children, and gave us helpful information throughout the process. ”
“I thought there was no way my spouse and I could have a productive conversation, but Kate created an environment where it could happen and called us both on our unhelpful patterns in a gentle but clear way. If we had been able to see Kate years ago, I doubt we’d be getting divorced now.”